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O God, source of all things,
Who, with all things having been conducted,
the extent of all the world
you filled with a wealth of gifts,
And, with such a large mass having been founded,
At length rest you are said
to have taken, granting in labors
that we thankfully may be relieved:
Grant now to mortals
to mourn the sins of life,
to pursue even now virtues
and to be rewarded with prosperous things,
So that when the supreme dread
of the tremendous judge shall have begun,
we all may rejoice in turn
to be filled with the gift of peace.
Supply (this), O Father most devout,
and the Sole equal to the Father,
with the Spirit Advocate
reigning through every age. Amen.

Revision as of 18:50, 15 September 2012

Rerum, Deus, fons omnium


Melody: a ag a gf edc ef d d

File:Rerum, Deus, fons omnium.mp3 H.I, p. 208


Rerum, Deus, fons omnium,

qui, rebus actis omnibus,

totius orbis ambitum

censu replesti munerum,

Ac, mole tanta condita,

tandem quietem diceris

sumpsisse, dans laboribus

ut nos levemur gratius:

Concede nunc mortalibus

deflere vitae crimina,

instare iam virtutibus

et munerari prosperis,

Ut cum tremendi iudicis

horror supremus coeperit,

laetemur omnes invicem

pacis repleti munere.

Praesta, Pater piissime,

Patrique compar Unice,

cum Spiritu Paraclito

regnans per omne saeculum. Amen.


O God, source of all things,

Who, with all things having been conducted,

the extent of all the world

you filled with a wealth of gifts,

And, with such a large mass having been founded,

At length rest you are said

to have taken, granting in labors

that we thankfully may be relieved:

Grant now to mortals

to mourn the sins of life,

to pursue even now virtues

and to be rewarded with prosperous things,

So that when the supreme dread

of the tremendous judge shall have begun,

we all may rejoice in turn

to be filled with the gift of peace.

Supply (this), O Father most devout,

and the Sole equal to the Father,

with the Spirit Advocate

reigning through every age. Amen.