Pressi malorum

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Pressi malorum pondere (saec. XVIII)


adiutorium: [expletum]


Pressi malorum pondere

te, Paule, adimus supplices,

qui certa largus desuper

dabit salutis pignora.

Nam tu beato concitus

divini amoris impetu,

quos insecutor oderas,

defensor inde amplecteris.

Amoris, eia, pristini

ne sis, precamur, immemor,

et nos supernae languidos

in spem reducas gratiae.

Te deprecante floreat

ignara damni caritas,

quam nulla turbent iurgia

nec ullus error sauciet.

O grata caelo victima,

te, lux amorque Gentium,

o Paule, clarum vindicem,

nos te patronum poscimus.

Laus Trinitati, cantica

sint sempiternae gloriae,

quae nos boni certaminis

tecum coronet praemiis. Amen.


Pressed by the might of the wicked

thee, O Paul, we approach suppliant,

who are lavish to give from above

the certain assurances of salvation.

For thou was being incited by the blessed

impetus of divine love,

them, as persecutor, thou hated,

then, as defender, thou embrace.

Oh! of thy pristine love

may not thou be, we implore, forgetful,

and we, the languid, may thou lead back

into the hope of supernatural grace.

By thy praying, may it flower

the senseless love of loss,

which no strife may disturb

nor any error wound.

O gracious victim for heaven,

thee, light and love of the nations,

O Paul, a clear protector

and patron we ask thee to be.

Praise to the Trinity, canticles

may they be of everlasting glory,

Who, us of the good fight

with thee, may crown with rewards. Amen.