Iesu quadragenariae

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Iesu, quadragenariæ (saec. X)



Iesu quadragenáriae

dicátor abstinéntiae,

qui ob salútem méntium

præcéperas ieiúnium,

Adésto nunc Ecclésiae,

adésto pæniténtiae,

qua supplicámus cérnui,

peccáta nostra dílui.

Tu retroácta crímina

tua remítte grátia

et a futúris ádhibe

custódiam mitíssime,

Ut, expiáti ánnuis

compunctiónis áctibus,

tendámus ad paschália

digne colénda gáudia.

Te rerum univérsitas,

clemens, adóret, Trínitas,

et nos novi per véniam

novum canámus cánticum. Amen.


Jesu, the Law and Pattern, whence

Our forty days of abstinence,

Who souls to save, that else had died,

This sacred fast hast ratified:

That so to Paradise once more,

Might abstinence preserv’d restore

Them that had lost its fields of light,

Through crafty wiles of appetite:

Be present now, be present here,

And mark Thy Church’s falling tear,

And own the grief that fills her eyes,

In mourning her iniquities.

Oh, by Thy Grace be pardon won,

For sins that former years have done:

And let Thy mercy guard us still

From crimes that threaten future ill.

That by the Fast we offer here,

Our annual sacrifice sincere,

To Paschal gladness at the end,

Set free from guilt, our souls may tend,

O Father, that we ask be done,

Through Jesus Christ, Thine Only Son,

Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee,

Shall live and reign eternally. Amen.

(Source: John Mason Neale, 1851)