Qua Christus hora

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Qua Christus hora sitiit (saec. VIII)


Melody: e e dc d e f e d


Qua Christus hora sitiit

crucem vel in qua subiit,

quos praestat in hac psallere

ditet siti iustitiae.

Simul sit in his esuries,

quam ipse de se satiet,

crimen sit ut fastidium

virtusque desiderium.

Charisma Sancti Spiritus,

sic influat psallentibus,

ut carnis aestus frigeat

et mentis algor ferveat.

Christum rogamus et Patrem,

Christi Patrisque Spiritum;

unum potens per omnia,

fove precantes, Trinitas. Amen.


The hour in which Christ became thirsty

or also in which, unto the cross, He climbed,

supplies those in this hour to sing psalms,

enriches with thirst for justice.

At the same time, may it be with these, hunger,

which may He from Himself satisfy,

may crime be unto loathing

and virtue, desire.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

thus let it flow into those singing the psalms,

that the flesh's heat may become frigid

and the mind's coldness may become fervent.

To Christ we pray and to the Father,

and Christ's and the Father's Spirit;

One, Powerful through all things,

support those entreating, O Trinity! Amen.